Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reading Reaction Journal#1

This article talks about the difference between managers and mentors. The author first described the roles of sales manager. He suggested that the focus should be on training and coaching more than supervising. The article mainly focuses on to be successful in sales. The author pointed out the importance of time management. In this article, the author mentioned his experience in sales management.

I chose this article because I want to major in management. I found it interesting because it discuses significant issues in management's world like the importance of training, individual differences and time management. I actually agree with the author that managers should pay attention to training and coaching more than supervising. I think it is easier to sales managers to supervise than to train but the second one has more benefits. I personally think that when a sales manager coaches the sales people effectively, the mistakes will be less and the productivity will be more. I believe in this in all fields. In fact, there are basics rules for every work to succeed. I also agree with author about the importance of time management. I think like it is the key for the success. From the experience of the author, I think I have to put on my mind that not all the first tries will be successful remarkably. Sales managers and sales persons have to be patient and serious. This article gave me new information about how can I as sales manager help my sales people.

MacKeigan,E. (2008 November). Managers and mentors fundamentally different. Retrieval on Oct 29, 2009 from Nova Scotia Business Journal, • Page 7. Success in sales.

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